Ethan's language skills are growing everyday. He is adding about five new words a day that he can say and even more that he understands. A few days ago, while sitting at the easel, Bianca asked Ethan if he wanted to get out some stamps and he took his chubby little leg and stomped his foot on the ground. We had never used that word in that way before, so we assume it was something he learned from Goddard, but it was still amazing.
He of course, has the words "choo choo" and "blanket" down as he is moving into his "choo choo" and "blanky" phase. When we here the ding ding of a train coming, Ethan starts walking around, looking up at us saying "choo choo, choo choo" with the urgency of a politician in October in an election year.
But the undoubtedly cutest thing he does is the start of the alphabet. He can go pretty deep if his brother is singing along with him, but on his own, and at totally random times, he will start singing "A-B-C-D." He will sing this over and over again. Time of day doesn't matter either. We often hear him waking up, singing "A-B-C-D." Even more fun is when his big brother does the whole song. Sometimes he sings along, like it was pirate sea chantey-both boys sing at the top of their lungs. Other times, he gets quiet and watches Isaac with saucer eyes as Isaac performs the amazing feat of doing the whole alphabet from memory.
What a fun time Ethan is having and that makes it fun for the entire family.
As a side note I have finally, FINALLY, put up pictures through September. The whole summer is now up.