Legal Stimulant
As an adult we take for granted our ability to read. But as a kid it is a huge challenge. There are so many different rules and exceptions to the rules in English that it is a miracle any of us can read. But that challenge produces some awesome moments as a new reader learns to overcome the difficulties.
Every night before bed Isaac and I settle down by reading. Over the summer we got into the habit and it has been a good thing to continue. After about two months, Isaac was racking up books--doing one book a night. They were targeting first readers and while he is a new reader, they really weren't much of a challenge. It's amazing because when Isaac started kindergarten he had trouble with his alphabet and the like and now he is cruising.
Well, we want to constantly raise the bar so we got some "independent" reader books. And he has worked his way through two of them so far. One is a Nat Geo Kids book and it is amazing to watch him take down new and big words. Two nights ago I was convinced I was going to have to help him out with "predator" and "crocodile" as both were long and well outside the sight word list for 1st graders. But he got to them and puzzled and puzzled and then announced with a hint of excitement--"PREDATOR" and "CROCODILE!" It is clear it felt good to him, but it also feels amazing as his Dad.
After words I told Isaac that watching him read powers me up, even when I am tired. He said he didn't understand why and I told him that it is hard to explain. But every night before I do my chores before going to bed, I get a jolt of the best stimulant around--legal or illegal--listening to Isaac work hard and overcome challenges.