Do you speak Ethlish?

No, it is not a tongue made up by JRR Tolkien, it is a language spoken solely by our Beethan.  In this language, there are some sound replacements because, well Ethan can't say a few sounds yet, like "X".  But if you are attentive and know what he is talking about (usually one of three things--Mommy, milk, or beebeeps) you can get a pretty large vocabulary of Ethlish. Here are some of the better words:

Bu Doe Doe: bulldozer

Ek ka kay tor: excavator

Mi xh (the tongue click sound, found natively in Ethlish and Xhosa, a unique language from sub-Saharan Africa): mixer

But: Boat

Bu Bu: Bubble or (context dependent) brother

Isaac: Isaac (note the similarity)

Mommy: Mommy (again, the similarity)

Da Da: Daddy, or sometimes Ding Dong (note the lack of precision)

Dang Dang: Ding Dong or rarely Daddy

Noonle: Noodle

Cur Cul: Circle

Ethee:  Ethan

Busssss: Bus

Yes: Yes

Yeah (with a sad sound): Yes I will be a good boy

No: NO!

All Duh: we covered this one before, but it could be all done, as in "finished" or go F--- yourself, depending on the context.  Don't worry you never have to guess which is which. 

There are many more, but since Nanna, P-Pa and GG arrive this coming weekend, I thought I'd give them a primer.   

Tony Sculimbrene