Spelling Test
Isaac had his first spelling test last Friday and he did very well, getting a 102 out of 100. That's just parent bragging. The real story here is that he loved the spelling test, or more accurately the process of studying for the spelling test.
When we were at Fenway (yes we went to Fenway, more on that next week) Isaac and I were running down through his spelling words waiting for some hotdogs and in the bathroom. When he was at home he was constantly quizzing himself. And on the morning of the test, he and his friend Carter, were selected to go to the office to drop off the morning mail. On the way down Isaac persuaded Carter to run through the spelling words. And they quizzed each other.
It's important to paint this scene a bit better. Carter is a high energy kid, the tallest and oldest kid in the class. He is also the kid everyone goes to when they want to have fun. Carter is just a fun kid. And Isaac and Carter feed off of each other. Isaac loves an audience and Carter loves to be entertained. And so, more likely than not, this pair is NOT going to be studying quietly. But Isaac liked the idea of the spelling test so much that he convinced Carter to do an impromptu spelling quiz on the way to the office.
Grades are important, but at some point in life you don't get graded anymore. The love of learning, that is a skill that will make your life better forever. I am so glad Isaac thinks both are important.