All Duh
The ALS sign for "all done" is to use your hands to cover something up, sort of the opposite of opening your hands for prayer. Ethan, like Isaac, was taught this sign very young along with "more" and "please". All three form something of a pre-verbal vocabulary for many kids, as they understand sign language well before they can talk. Ethan has two other signs--"milk" and "thank you"--to round out his lexicon.
As he picks up more and more words, though, these signs (perhaps because of his Italian heritage) take on a new meaning, a way to emphasize what he is saying. The "more" sign along with the word more, means "I REALLY want more." The "please" sign along with the word please is Ethan's equivalent of begging.
Unquestionably the funniest combo is how he uses the sign and phrase "all done", which, when spoke comes out as "all duh." Instead of being the emphatic form of finished, which really wouldn't make a lot of sense, it is Ethan's phrase of protest.
This past Sunday Ethan was eating quite well, sitting in his little seat using his fingers to scoop up strawberries, bits of turkey, and the like. Isaac had finished his meal and begun playing, while Ethan was still eating. Then, all of a sudden, Ethan look at me and shouted: "ALL DUH!" complete with hand motions. He was telling me, in no uncertain terms, he wanted out of the high chair and down. While his mouth and hands said "All DUH!" his face said: Get me the hell out of here!
This is something of a recent trend too. Ethan is All Duh when he is laying on his changing table and has just about had it with me taking a long time to clean him up. Ethan is All Duh when we are outside and Isaac takes something from him that he was playing with (it's either All Duh or insta-tears like only a younger sibling can do). Ethan is quite frequently All Duh about 30 minutes from home during a car trip of 31 minutes duration. All Duh has become Ethan's mic drop. He is done with this scene and done with it RIGHT NOW.
So next time you are finished dealing with some stressful event, do the ALS sign for all done, scream "ALL DUH!" at the top of your lungs and walk away.