Ding Dong
So recently Ethan has started talking more. Aside from his grunts, his "WOW!", and his Idik (for Isaac), he has added a whole bunch of new words, both ones he understands and ones he can say. In the latter category, he really likes "bubba bubba." Perhaps it is the "aww! cute!" reactions he gets, or it is the fact that his brother lights up when he says it, but he has been saying that phrase a lot.
In the former category, he has really got the phrase "Ding Dong" down quite well. Here is how it usually goes:
ME: "Ethan, who is a ding dong"
[long pause where he looks around]
Ethan: "Da da."
[Ethan with a big smile on his face]
It started out as a confusion between Ding Dong and Da Da, but when everyone howled with laughter, he made it clearer and now it's definitely "Da Da."
What a wonderful thing to see firsthand--the development of language, family bonds, and an understanding of insults.