Coming and Going...

Teeth that is.  Yep, one Monday in the last two weeks Isaac lost a tooth and Ethan had one break through.  It was a pair of developmental milestones that were pretty cool.  But they aren't the only parallels these boys are displaying. 

Isaac has learned the thrill of what he calls "wipeouts" and what Rickey Henderson (that bum) called stealing bases.  He will run, jump, throw a foot out or go on his knees and slide.  You'd think it would be harder given that he is wearing shorts only, but as the scrapes on his knees will attest, he does this frequently at camp. 

In a similar vain, Ethan is starting to really get on it when he walks.  Its not exactly a run, but it is not a walk either.  Its more like a high speed waddle.  Anyway, there are times when he is sprint waddling when he loses his balance and goes all rubber legged.  In the end, it is a wipeout just the same as Isaac's but it comes from an entirely different place.

The parallels are striking--Isaac is pushing hard with his reading and Ethan with his talking, Isaac is testing the limits of what he can get away with Ethan and Ethan is doing the same.

What a delight...
Tony Sculimbrene