Not Those Kind of Rolls
Whenever someone mentions rolls with Ethan, it is usually in reference to his ginormous legs. He has some seriously beefy thighs, as demonstrated by a photo I like to call--Butt Crack or Thigh?
Well, there are now different kinds of rolls to reference. First, Ethan has been rolling front to back for some time. I have never seen it, but both Bianca and Isaac claim to have witnessed the event, and I trust them, so I am a believer. But even if I wasn't, last night at dinner, he convinced me.
So we are all eating dinner, delicious Taco Bowl, one of I-man's favorites, while Ethan is working out in his gym. He is cooing and being a delightful baby. I finish early so I join him on the ground. While there, he lifts up his legs then lets them flop over to one side. With that momentum, he then swings his arms around and suddenly he has rolled back to front, the much more difficult roll for a baby to do.
We all gave him applause, including Isaac, and Ethan just smiled back at us, proud of his accomplishment.
Keep rollin' buddy!