Third String Quarterback
Do you know who Ryan Mallett is? No? Well, he was the third string quarterback for the New England Patriots. Unfortunately for him, he was the guy behind the guy who was behind Tom Brady. He got no love at all.
Ryan Mallett, I feel your pain brother. When we are all four together and three of us are watching Ethan I am Ryan Mallett.
Pretty much anyone is going to be the dim bulb next to the Isaac spotlight. Ethan tracks Isaac like a cat watching a laser pointer. In fact, it gets so bad that sometimes Isaac will feel bad and stand right next to me so I can get some "collateral" glances. Other than that I get nothing.
Then there is his best girl, Bianca. The sun rises and sets, literally, with her. She is his food, his companion, and his comfort. She guards him from his rambuncious brother and makes sure he is on his schedule.
Compared to that, I am, well the sound effects guy. Or the diaper change guy.
Like I said--I am the third string quarterback. But its an awesome gig and I wouldn't give it up for the world, or a shot at starting for the Houston Texans, Ryan Mallett's new team.