My current favorite picture of Isaac and Ethan

There is something really magical about seeing the boys admire each other.  It gives me a sense that even after I am long gone they will have each other.  It also gives me a sense of how strong the bond is between siblings.  Nothing, I think, makes a parent as happy as seeing their two kids really enjoy each other's company. 

With Isaac and Ethan, there is no doubt--Ethan's hero is Isaac.  No one can do what Isaac can do.  So when he gets a close up look at his brother, his idol, well he just lights up.  Here is what I mean:

Definitely an all-time classic. But this one is a pretty close second:
This one ain't bad either:
Also note that the vacation pictures are up! It was a mesmerizingly beautiful place and a great vacation.
Tony Sculimbrene