Happy Baby

Babies are a joy.  There is a social construct however that tells you they are nothing but cute cooing and big grins.  Anne Geddes didn't take pictures of the pooping so much that they blew out their diapers or crying until their faces are a red as a fire engine.  So a lot what I thought was awesome about being a parent was off set by diaper blow outs and fire engine crying (both for the color and the volume).

With Isaac it was a constant surprise.  He'd do something amazing and then cry.  He'd have a poopacalypse and then be great.  With Ethan is another set of constant surprises.  This kid is a mellow baby.  Both Bianca and I are, well, a bit high strung, and Isaac is too.  But Ethan, he is our little Zen Buddhist, not just for his belly, but his comportment.  This is one happy kid.


Part of that is his personality, but part of that is Bianca's amazing focus on her littlest boy.  They have really bonded and she can comfort him when no one else can.  She also does a very good job of keeping him well-fed.  So here you go--pop quiz: thigh or butt?

Tony Sculimbrene