Bad Word, Bad Word, Bad Word
So I have a strong opinion about swearing. I think our social taboos
regarding swearing are silly. A hundred years ago "tarnation" was as
serious a swear word as any word banned by the FCC today. Now it is
something cartoon characters say. BUT...and this is a big but, I am a
Dad and my reasonable beliefs don't control the social constructs that
Isaac will encounter. So we have been very strict about Isaac not
saying bad words, in particular "stupid." He is not allowed to say this
word under any circumstances.
time he has said it and gotten in trouble many times, but never all that
bad. He has gotten increasingly careful about not saying "stupid."
Now he has figured out a workaround. Instead of saying "stupid" he
says "bad word." After a brief frustration two nights ago I heard Isaac
muttering to himself "Bad Word, Bad Word, Bad Word."
The taboo about swearing is dumb and smart kids figure out clever workarounds.