
Ethan Joseph was baptized on Sunday June 14.  It was a great celebration with Deacon Tim doing a bang up job in front of a huge crowd.  We had about twenty people there and there were five other babies and we were the SMALLEST group.  It was like a mass. 

Ethan did the obligatory baby thing and spit up on Bianca and I at the beginning and then he conked out during the actual ceremony.  He was awakened, literally and I guess spiritually, by having water poured on his head in the baptism font.  Isaac was up front with us and when Ethan was anointed with oil he was right behind his brother.  Deacon Tim passed us and then Isaac reached down, took some of the oil off of his brother's head and...sampled it.  It was delicious apparently as he reacted favorably.  When Deacon Tim noticed he whispered to Isaac that it "tastes great on salads."  Isaac then proceeded to go back for seconds and offered me a lick.  It was quite a funny moment.
Thanks to everyone that came!  We had a great time at the church and the party after. 
Tony Sculimbrene