Tracking Nanna P-Pa

As I write this I am waiting for my parents to finally make it to my house.  They left Kentucky AFTER they were scheduled to land in Massachusetts, never a good thing.  But this afternoon was delightful as we prepared and played with Isaac.  In the meantime, we were able to track their plane over the Internet.  This is what happens when you combine the power of the computer age with a very Type A two and half year old.  I would call it up on the iPad in between batches of Play Do cookies and show him where on the map they were and where we were.  He knows he lives in a place called Massachusetts and I am beginning to think he know what Massachusetts looks like, in part because of a Santa message he received from Nanna about two weeks ago.  He would get excited as I told him they were getting closer to Massachusetts.  Then he started full blown chanting when I told them they had landed.  He was marching around the house in his tiny underwear chanting Nanna P-Pa, Nanna P-Pa.  I know they want to see him too, but this kid is pretty stoked.  I am also thrilled that thus far Christmas has been most notable for going to see Colby and Myles and waiting for Nanna and P-Pa to arrive as opposed to any presents, though he liked those as well.  Full Christmas updates coming.  For now, we wait...
Tony Sculimbrene