Two Weeks, Close Up
One of the best gifts I get every year is two weeks to spend with Bianca and now Isaac at Christmas time. This year was an amazing lab experiment in how fast can human beings learn. The answer: very fast. In that time Isaac got a tidal wave of Christmas presents and there will be posts about the bounty, but this post is about getting time to spend with Isaac.
In the rush of every day life I get to see Isaac for about 4 hours a day. It is quite nice that I get that time, but I would love more. These past two weeks I have had much, much more and it has been incredible. As we put him in the bath tonight, as if to culminate two weeks of close family time, Isaac patted both Bianca and I on the back at the same time and told us: "All my buddies are here." Yes, Isaac, they are.
He had a few days where he was so angry and crazy irrational that he behaved like Karl Rove on election night, that is to say, exactly like a two year not understanding the forces that shape his world. But other than those days he has been very interesting to watch. He likes playing Angry Birds and will ask for it by name. He now makes stomping sounds when he is pretending to be big. He is essentially potty trained, something that blows my mind. He can carry on full conversations. He knows when and how to be funny. He knows when and how to not be funny. He went sledding for the first time and LOVED it. He is starting to see himself in the world. Tonight he told us when we were trying to get his shirt off to go in the bath: "I have a HUGE noggin". Yes, Isaac, you do.
In the end these were two magical weeks, spent with a magical kid and his wonderful, beautiful mother. They were the best present I got. By a landslide.
Though a bandsaw is pretty nice, too.
In the rush of every day life I get to see Isaac for about 4 hours a day. It is quite nice that I get that time, but I would love more. These past two weeks I have had much, much more and it has been incredible. As we put him in the bath tonight, as if to culminate two weeks of close family time, Isaac patted both Bianca and I on the back at the same time and told us: "All my buddies are here." Yes, Isaac, they are.
He had a few days where he was so angry and crazy irrational that he behaved like Karl Rove on election night, that is to say, exactly like a two year not understanding the forces that shape his world. But other than those days he has been very interesting to watch. He likes playing Angry Birds and will ask for it by name. He now makes stomping sounds when he is pretending to be big. He is essentially potty trained, something that blows my mind. He can carry on full conversations. He knows when and how to be funny. He knows when and how to not be funny. He went sledding for the first time and LOVED it. He is starting to see himself in the world. Tonight he told us when we were trying to get his shirt off to go in the bath: "I have a HUGE noggin". Yes, Isaac, you do.
In the end these were two magical weeks, spent with a magical kid and his wonderful, beautiful mother. They were the best present I got. By a landslide.
Though a bandsaw is pretty nice, too.