What do all two year olds want?

A pillow.  That's right, Isaac asked us, out of the blue for a pillow.

Last night after bath one of his thin blankets was still on top of the changing table.  He hopped on the table, balled up the blanket, and used it as a pillow while he was getting a new diaper put on.  He then flipped over for his customary back rub from Mom (he balls up like a little cat, it is absolutely adorable).  After this he sat up and said to us: "pillow".  Bianca and I looked at each other and asked him what did he want.  Again he said "pillow." 

So first thing this morning we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and got him an Isaac sized pillow (which was really just a travel pillow).  Once I get a picture of him with his new prized possession I will take a picture of it. 
Tony Sculimbrene