The Party
A tour of the 2nd birthday festivities continues. The party itself was pretty awesome. We had Nanny, Poppa Dom, Uncles Dom and John (aka Uncle Jominic), Auntie Erica and the boys, GG, and Katie all up for some awesome Fajitas and cake. Crucial on this party list was the celebrity--Colby Dylan. As you have seen Isaac has become obsessed with all things Colby. He likes Colby the kid, Colby's name, saying Colby's name over and over again, all of Colby's Dump Dumps (dump trucks), all of Colby's riding scoot toys, and well, really anything Colby-related. At least five times a day Isaac, out of nowhere will stop whatever he is doing and look at Bianca or I and ask: "Colby?". Fortunately, Colby was here.
We tested out the new pool free backyard and to our delight it was a perfect play space for three little boys. The patio served as seating for the spectators, while the wild rumpus took place on the grass. We built an awesome, even taller milk crate tower and took turns knocking it over. Here is Myles giving it the old heave hoe:
After that Nanny and Poppa Dom busted out their gift for Isaac Anthony, a sweet Kettler Trike. Here is the two year old of the hour enjoying the truly awesome gift:
Once Isaac had tooled around on his trike, we decided to eat Mom's awesome Train Cake, with cars being chosen in age order, youngest to oldest. Here is the actual birthday song and cake car distribution:
After that the big kids played catch in the backyard and the little kids rode around in the trike or wagon (last year's awesome present from Nanny and Poppa Dom). I will note that Uncle John, the bat and golf club killer, also killed my BRAND NEW Nerf Football, purchased the day before just for a catch session. He received in one piece and it departed his possession in two. This is a NERF football folks. How do you break one of those?
Happy Birthday Isaac Anthony.
We tested out the new pool free backyard and to our delight it was a perfect play space for three little boys. The patio served as seating for the spectators, while the wild rumpus took place on the grass. We built an awesome, even taller milk crate tower and took turns knocking it over. Here is Myles giving it the old heave hoe:
After that Nanny and Poppa Dom busted out their gift for Isaac Anthony, a sweet Kettler Trike. Here is the two year old of the hour enjoying the truly awesome gift:
Once Isaac had tooled around on his trike, we decided to eat Mom's awesome Train Cake, with cars being chosen in age order, youngest to oldest. Here is the actual birthday song and cake car distribution:
After that the big kids played catch in the backyard and the little kids rode around in the trike or wagon (last year's awesome present from Nanny and Poppa Dom). I will note that Uncle John, the bat and golf club killer, also killed my BRAND NEW Nerf Football, purchased the day before just for a catch session. He received in one piece and it departed his possession in two. This is a NERF football folks. How do you break one of those?
Happy Birthday Isaac Anthony.