2 Year Check Up

Isaac's second birthday party was followed by his two year check up and he was a total trooper.  There were no shots, but he did have to get blood drawn.  It took a little longer than normal, but he was a tough guy through out, shedding only a few tears towards the very, very end.  He also clocked in on pace.  He has dropped off in size as most breast fed babies do, but since that initial drop off he has held strong on his percentiles.  He is 30% in height and weight, with his weaponhead hitting the 75%.  Overall it was very good visit with a very good boy.  When asked about his size, the doctor looked at Bianca and said, "I am sure you have noticed that your short."  As a matter of fact, she has, but she had to ask the question because I was bugging her about it.  Isaac also impressed the doctor with his speech and motor skills.  All in all, a very good check up.

Here he is getting ready for the big inspection:

Tony Sculimbrene