On the mend

Isaac's fever broke yesterday, but that was a long scary stretch of 100+ degree temps.  He has a bunch of little rashes on his hands, feet and mouth (hence the diagnosis of Hand, Foot, and Mouth), but without the fever he is no longer contagious.  We didn't give him Tylenol at all yesterday and today and no temp, but the sores can be a little painful.  We have a fridge full of specials eats and drinks for the I-man.  With his fever gone he has come back to life a bit.  Wanting to give him something fun to do we went to the local festival and rode some rides.  Here are Isaac and Dad in a fire truck (note Isaac's serious look, as if to say "Dad, we are firefighters now, take this seriously"):

After this we went on a really big slide and I thought Isaac would be scared.  But as soon as it was over he was off my lap and back in line (though not wanting to push him to hard, we went home).  It is good to see him on the mend, even if he has little sores all over.  Everyone gets at least one rash when they are kid--chicken pox, poison ivy, something--it just stinks we had to miss going back to Ohio for it. 
Tony Sculimbrene