It spreads...
Isaac passed along his virus to his Mommy, marking the first time she has gotten sick from him ever (I, on the other hand, have had 9 or 10 ear infections from the little guy). It is amazing to see just how much she gets done in a day. Sick Bianca is like twice as productive as I am. Regular Bianca is like a dozen times more productive. It is insane.
Last night we tried to put Isaac to bed for the first time ever with Dad doing the last step. We read stories and Isaac was fine. We chatted and Isaac was fine. Then I picked him up to put him in the crib and looked at me and said with a question mark inflection: "Mommy?" I told him "No I am putting you to bed, buddy." Then he said with an insistent inflection: "Mommy?" I assured him "No, its going to be Daddy, it will be okay." Then he lost it. I was about to call for Mom when suddenly she appeared through the door. She had been listening intently to our conversation and was waiting in case something happened. She came in, put him to bed, and he was asleep within five minutes.
Good kid. Great mommy.
Last night we tried to put Isaac to bed for the first time ever with Dad doing the last step. We read stories and Isaac was fine. We chatted and Isaac was fine. Then I picked him up to put him in the crib and looked at me and said with a question mark inflection: "Mommy?" I told him "No I am putting you to bed, buddy." Then he said with an insistent inflection: "Mommy?" I assured him "No, its going to be Daddy, it will be okay." Then he lost it. I was about to call for Mom when suddenly she appeared through the door. She had been listening intently to our conversation and was waiting in case something happened. She came in, put him to bed, and he was asleep within five minutes.
Good kid. Great mommy.