Potty Training--The Beginning

We have had the potty out since before Isaac could crawl and occasionally he would take the plastic dish out and wear it like a hat.  Not a great use of the potty, but at least he was comfortable with it.  Then, about four months ago he started sitting on the potty when I would go to the bathroom.  There are very few people that I would let in the bathroom, but Isaac was one of them.  I'd go and then a few minutes later he would push open the door, and take a seat right next to me on his tiny potty, fully clothed and everything.

But in the past month he has gotten enthralled with his potty and bowel movements.  He has not gotten down the difference between a poop and toot despite our best efforts, but he is very good about telling us when he has gone to the bathroom.

We have now gotten to the point where after we go upstairs but before we put him in the tub we let him wander around naked and have him sit on his potty.  It is just part of the nighttime ritual, which is always subtly changing (another example, he likes much longer stories now than before, Tikki Tikki Tembo is probably his number one favorite and that is at least five times longer than the old champ, In the Night Kitchen).

Last night he was naked and he told Bianca "Potty Mommy" and she placed him on the tiny toilet and he actually peed.  Isaac peed on the potty.  AMAZING.  But here is the thing, his little wiener was not pointed the right direction so while he peed ON the potty he did not pee IN the potty.  Here is the proof:

This whole potty training thing is proof that kids are adorable...even their pee is cute.
Tony Sculimbrene