Goddard's Guardian

Now that a few of the older kids have left, Isaac is pretty much the oldest kid in the room now. As such he surveys his kingdom with a watchful eye. One day last week his new best friend Molly was picked up by her Dad. Molly's dad typically has a beard and typically picks Molly up so Isaac got to know him and what he looked like. Then last week, Molly's dad came in without a beard. Bianca happened to be there at the same time Molly's dad was and she witnessed Isaac give him the once over and when he bent down to pick up Molly (again his new best friend, remember) he gave a screech and stared at him. Eventually Molly must have given him the okay because Isaac stopped screeching and Molly and her dad left.

This past weekend, he did much the same with G-Daddy, who appeared on video chat with glasses on. It was a very different G-Daddy from what Isaac was used to and he stared at him with a cautious eye for more than fifteen minutes until G-Daddy took his glasses off. Then, all of a sudden, Isaac was cool and relaxed.

Isaac the Eagle Eye.
Tony Sculimbrene