The High Chair of Babel

Isaac Anthony has started to shift into high gear with his babble. It is most frequent when he is in his high chair. Instead of the same few simple sounds repeated over and over again, he has started to make much more complex sounds AND string them together with other sounds in sentence length statements. We have no idea what he is saying, but he clearly thinks he is saying SOMETHING.

He will sit there playing with something, usually a Cheerio, and he will look up and give us a long:

Ba Boo Be Da Ma Dwoing Ke EEEEE!

and then stare expectantly at us, as if to say "Did you get that?" "Dwoing" is a new sound he started making yesterday and he loves doing it. Last night during dinner he must have given us about a hundred "DWOING's!" at the top of his lungs. GG Janet, who has a lot of experience with babies (five kids and a labor and delivery nurse for a long time) said on Sunday that he is about to start talking. So while we don't exactly follow him right now I have a feeling we will be sooner rather than later.
Tony Sculimbrene