
Every night, a small quiet ritual takes place that makes even the worst days melt away. Bianca and I give Isaac a bath. Mom does all of the night time prep while Isaac and Dad splash around in the tub. We sing a bath tub song, play with bath toys, and then at the end wrap him up like a little burrito in a hoodie towel. And then, for a second, Isaac is quiet, restful, and cuddly as I bring him from the bathroom to his bedroom.

Last night, the little guy rested his head on my shoulder for a bit of sweet kid cuddles and I whispered softly into his ear: "I love you buddy." He nuzzled in a bit closer and then...blew a raspberry on the skin above my collar bone. I looked at him and he giggled his little head off.

It was really funny. And, man, do I love that kid.
Tony Sculimbrene