Funny Stories

Dad had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon this week on Wednesday, so he decided to pick up Isaac from daycare. I was really excited leaving the doctor's appointment, something between kid on Christmas morning and me on Opening Day. When I walked in there were four women and a bunch of kids. Isaac was sitting at one of the specially designed feeding tables eating his yogurt. When he saw me he let out a squeal. And then another. It rapidly became clear that Isaac is BY FAR the loudest kid in his class. He also gave me a "Da-Da". Soon, it spread like wild fire and all of the kids were saying "Da-Da." As we left the parking lot, I turned on "Born to Be Wild" and Isaac and Dad headed home. It was pretty awesome.

Yesterday while nursing Isaac let out a huge, very audible fart, a long, low one. And I started to giggle. Bianca then turned to me and said: "Isaac is also scratching himself, as well, does that make you more proud?" The answer is an empathic: YES. I know for sure now that he is my son, no DNA test necessary (just kidding about that, I was pretty sure he was mine the whole time).

We are gearing up for some weekend picture taking, but until they are posted, enjoy these videos and pics:

This is a sequence of photos that show his reaction when he saw his Mom on Wednesday:

Heard her voice:


Saw her face:


Sees her walking over to pick him up:


THAT is a warm welcome.
Tony Sculimbrene