Easter Update Super Spectacular

Saturday April 23, 2011 was quite simply one of the best days of my life. I had planned on working on the drawers for the Isaac-resistant TV stand, but my router bit had not arrived (or so I thought, more on that later). It was a cold, rainy, blustery New England spring day with temperatures equal to the wind in miles per hour (around 40 for both). Nonetheless, the rain gave Dad and Isaac an excuse to build what can only be described as The Fort of the Gods. Mom helped in the construction (as the fort was too big for a normal throw blanket, Mom busted out an old comforter), but then she went into a cooking frenzy like no other. In one Saturday from about 10 AM until 6 PM Mom cooked: 1) a week's worth of sweet pot (a.k.a. sweet potatoes, for those not hip to Bianca's countercultural sounding shorthand) baked and then blended; 2) a week's worth of pears, peeled and blended into sauce; 3) Martha Stewart's Hot Chocolate Cookies (with icing) for Easter Sunday; 4) Libby's Clean Eating Pork Slow Cooker Recipe (which was AWESOME, BTW! Thanks Libby!; also check out her blog, it is fantastic and her food photography is worthy of Bon Appetit magazine); 5) Broccoli Bake for Easter Sunday; 6) A spinach, garlic, and mushroom side for the slow cooker recipe; 7) a week's worth of apples for Isaac, peeled and blended into sauce; and 8) lunch for Mom, Dad and Isaac. It was an epic cooking session that kept Mom occupied most of the day, minus breastfeeding, reading, nap time, and the occasional pit stop into the Fort of the Gods. All of this free time one on one with Isaac was great for me and a real recharge of the batteries. For the first time ever, I was playing with someone else, not just playing around Isaac. He has finally reached the stage where we can PLAY TOGETHER and it was all we did, minus one mission status run to the grocery store for Mom.

We did so much it is hard to describe in one post. Dad and Isaac had really pushed the limits of our building materials in the last fort we built, but Dad had an epiphany--I would supplement to the roof rake poles with a series of woodworking clamps and two table chairs (held in place by my two MASSIVE granite slabs I use for weight in gluing up projects). This would get us one step closer to the ultimate goal--a fort that spanned the entire area from the couch to the mantle in the living room. Not quite there yet, but getting very, very close.

Here are some pictures and a video of the Fort of the Gods:

and one of Mom and Isaac:


After that, we called Nanna and G-Daddy and played all sorts of games, like windtunnel (the video of which is on MOM's phone). We wrestled a bunch. And then, as the day wound down, Dad and Isaac read a bunch of stories. He did not nap all that well, but given the amount of excitement we generated, I am not too surprised.

Easter Sunday was great. Isaac came down to a Duplo Zoo left to him by the Easter Bunny. Here is the video:

A morning of playing with Dulpos ended just in time for us to go to Uncle John's for Easter. Before we took off, though, we hung out outside in the glorious spring sun. Here is a photo of Mom and Isaac on the steps (Mom could relax now, having cooked for an army the day before):


And this one of Mom tickling Isaac's foot:


The food was, as always, great at Uncle John's. Meanwhile, half way across the country, the Puckett Easter looked like a lot of fun too:

We ended the day with a great Facetime chat with most of the Pucketts. Happy Easter to all.

PS: On Sunday we found that the post man HAD delivered the router bit, but left it at the wrong front door. I am glad for that. Sometimes you need to just stop and smell the roses, or in my case, the Isaac Anthony.
Tony Sculimbrene