The Beautifulest Kid You Know
Isaac had his picture taken by a wonderfully talent photographer named Nancy Gould in November so we could use them as gifts for Christmas (and keep a few for ourselves). We gave out a bunch of individual pictures, but I think we are the only people to see them all. Well, Ms. Gould put up not one, not two, but THREE pictures of Isaac in her gallery. For copyright reasons I am not going to post the photos here, but you can find them through this link. There are three pictures of Isaac in the gallery. They are #8 and #9 from the top (the thumbnails on the side of the page) and then #29 (I may be off by one on that last one, either plus or minus). I guess when you have such good advertisements you have to show them off. Of course, this is just us being crazy new parents, but really, he is so beautiful grammar doesn't apply--hence the beautifulest kid you know.