On the First Day of Christmas (Vacation)...
We all woke up around 6:25 AM and Isaac was in a squealing mood. He chatted and hooted for a good ten minutes before he needed a rescue. Then he had some breakfast and we went downstairs. While Momma had breakfast Isaac and I searched iTunes for a good version of the pop standard, Baby, Its Cold Outside. We settled on the never-go-wrong choice of Ella Fitzgerald. I think she could burp the alphabet and it would sound lyrical. After that Isaac Anthony took a good two, two and half hour nap while Mom and Dad ran around and got stuff clean for the grandparents' visit. When he woke up he got one of his favorite foods--Yo Baby Yogurt. He goes CRAZY for that stuff. Here he is losing his mind over yogurt:
We have some new pictures up too. A bigger upload is coming, Momma's pictures and videos for all of December thus far have yet to be uploaded.
We have some new pictures up too. A bigger upload is coming, Momma's pictures and videos for all of December thus far have yet to be uploaded.