6 month check up
So Isaac had his pedi visit on Thursday and as has been the trend, he does good on the day of and then gets a little, and I mean only a little, moody the two days after. He did good. The stats are like this:
Weight: 17 pounds 4 ounces (50%)
Height: 27 3/4" (70%)
Head: CHROME DOME (90%) (BTW, they had to use an adult male belt, size 36 to measure his head. Just kidding, but only barely)
Mom said the shots were awful, which I imagine is a pale word to use to describe the look of pure anguish and betrayal that you get when Isaac looks at you after a shot.
Other than that we have been getting ready for the holidays, specifically Christmas Eve with the Napolitanos and Christmas with my parents, who are coming up to stay for a week. Nanna hasn't seen her boy since October. He just might have a:

We have a few really good pictures and videos that are going up. Here are a few funny pictures:
"Isaac, what's going to happen in Afghanistan after Richard Holbrooke's death?"
All Sandra Boynton fans will know this pose: Strut like a Duck:

And all BTO fans will be happy, because Isaac is Takin' Care of Business:

And Isaac and Dad shaving:
Mom and Isaac dancing (with some giggles thrown in):
Weight: 17 pounds 4 ounces (50%)
Height: 27 3/4" (70%)
Head: CHROME DOME (90%) (BTW, they had to use an adult male belt, size 36 to measure his head. Just kidding, but only barely)
Mom said the shots were awful, which I imagine is a pale word to use to describe the look of pure anguish and betrayal that you get when Isaac looks at you after a shot.
Other than that we have been getting ready for the holidays, specifically Christmas Eve with the Napolitanos and Christmas with my parents, who are coming up to stay for a week. Nanna hasn't seen her boy since October. He just might have a:

We have a few really good pictures and videos that are going up. Here are a few funny pictures:
"Isaac, what's going to happen in Afghanistan after Richard Holbrooke's death?"

All Sandra Boynton fans will know this pose: Strut like a Duck:

And all BTO fans will be happy, because Isaac is Takin' Care of Business:

And Isaac and Dad shaving:
Mom and Isaac dancing (with some giggles thrown in):