Alternate Universe

So I have decided that I am going to help Isaac Anthony along with his language skills by giving him a list of sound like words to replace real swear words. That way he can still adequately express anger like an adult does without the unpleasant side effects of using coarse and offensive language.

Here are some examples:

"Holy Ship, Dad did you see that?"

"Son of a Bench, I can't believe I lost Sophie."

"You can go to Hill if you think I am going to sit here in time out."

"What the Funk is going on, it can't be bed time already?"

"Cod Hamlet, where is the Funking Exersaucer?"

"That guy that just cut us off Mommy is a real Ashhole."

All right, I am just kidding, I just wrote this to get a rise out of Nanna.

10 days until Christmas.
Tony Sculimbrene