Oh My...

what a great weekend. After a Saturday excursion to Wakefield we hung out around Fitchburg all day. We went for a walk through the St. Bernard Cemetery (during the day) and it was larger than we thought. Not only that, but as the one thing that cannot be torn down, the Cemetery serves as a central connector for all of the paths, streets, and neighborhoods in our area. Figuring out the layout of the Cemetery gave me, Bianca, and Isaac, a "layout epiphany". It was a cold but very peaceful walk.

We were really worried that Daylight Savings would screw up Isaac's clock. In the morning he did not go back down for his nap after the 6 AM feeding. He was awake from 6 AM until 11 AM, probably the longest stretch of his little life. He was super tired, a bit cranky (for him, not for a regular person), and at 11, surrendered to sleep quickly. It seemed to be a reboot, as when he woke up he was fine for the rest of the day. We are constantly surprised at how good natured and flexible Isaac can be.

Finally, one humorous anecdote. Every night one of us will turn to the other and say: "He is a good kid, Daddy" and the other person, invariably, will agree. We then list in an informal fashion all the good things he did today. Sometimes there will be a list of less good things ("he is a good kid, but he should have spit up less..."). Last night, worried about whether he pooped enough yesterday, here is the conversation:

Bianca: He is a good kid Daddy.
Me: Yes he is.
Bianca: He did good with the bottle (5.5 oz!) and Daylight Savings.
Me: Yep, great kid Mommy.
Bianca: But he hasn't pooped enough today. I hope he doesn't poop in his sleep.
Isaac (wearing the stern determination of poop face): KaPOW!

Just as she had said something Isaac answered her concerns with a legit poopie. Now there are four possible implications from this:

1. It was a coincidence
2. Isaac understood us and let one rip
3. We talk about poopie a lot, so the chance that he poops while we are doing that is pretty high
4. Bianca is really in tune with her little boy

Bianca contends it was #4. I like to think it was #2, but really it was probably #1 or #3.

Anyway, stay tuned for pics and videos from Boys Day. It is this Friday. The Cubans arrived and they smell wonderful.
Tony Sculimbrene