Five Months Old
Isaac is five months old today. He can do all sorts of things he couldn't when he was first born. In commemoration of this auspicious day here is a complete list.
He can...
Make vocalizations (ah...aH....AH)
Grab things with his left and right hand
Pass things both ways
Put things in his mouth
Kick his legs on purpose
Kick his legs to express emotion
Belly Laugh
Lift his head up
Turn his head left and right
Push his head up when laying on his belly
Open his eyes on purpose
Close his eyes on purpose
Scream without crying
Poop big poops
Stick out his tongue
Respond to his name (or Chubby Bubby or Mr. Poo poos, the two longest lasting nicknames)
Sleep through the night
Ride in the car without falling asleep
Swat at things
Bounce in his bouncer
Kick a ball
Speedbag a fishy
Be shy
Cuddle on purpose
Lay his head on your shoulder (to get out of trouble)
Recognize Mom
Recognize Dad
Recognize Grandparents during iChat
Follow along with a story
Sit up in a chair
Take a bottle
Hold his bottle while eating
Cart wheel (just kidding, that was to see if you were paying attention)
Roll over from front to back going left and right
Put his hands in his mouth
Put his feet in his mouth
Go to sleep without being rocked
Put himself to sleep
Scooch in his crib
Break out of his Swaddle Me
Take a bath in water
Take a bath in the bath tub (only once though)
Play games with Mom and Dad (like Peekaboo or Surprise Raspberry with Dad)
Smile at strangers
Play in a fort
Drag race with Dad
Do cannon rolls while drag racing (he broke the record, by the way, the Casino Royale scene shows 7. IAS did at least 12)
Pull his own hair (remember that Nanna?)
Track objects
Anticipate objects that disappear
Make a surprised face
Wrestle, see below:

Happy Birthday Isaac Anthony. We are sure glad you came to visit us and decided to stay.
He can...
Make vocalizations (ah...aH....AH)
Grab things with his left and right hand
Pass things both ways
Put things in his mouth
Kick his legs on purpose
Kick his legs to express emotion
Belly Laugh
Lift his head up
Turn his head left and right
Push his head up when laying on his belly
Open his eyes on purpose
Close his eyes on purpose
Scream without crying
Poop big poops
Stick out his tongue
Respond to his name (or Chubby Bubby or Mr. Poo poos, the two longest lasting nicknames)
Sleep through the night
Ride in the car without falling asleep
Swat at things
Bounce in his bouncer
Kick a ball
Speedbag a fishy
Be shy
Cuddle on purpose
Lay his head on your shoulder (to get out of trouble)
Recognize Mom
Recognize Dad
Recognize Grandparents during iChat
Follow along with a story
Sit up in a chair
Take a bottle
Hold his bottle while eating
Cart wheel (just kidding, that was to see if you were paying attention)
Roll over from front to back going left and right
Put his hands in his mouth
Put his feet in his mouth
Go to sleep without being rocked
Put himself to sleep
Scooch in his crib
Break out of his Swaddle Me
Take a bath in water
Take a bath in the bath tub (only once though)
Play games with Mom and Dad (like Peekaboo or Surprise Raspberry with Dad)
Smile at strangers
Play in a fort
Drag race with Dad
Do cannon rolls while drag racing (he broke the record, by the way, the Casino Royale scene shows 7. IAS did at least 12)
Pull his own hair (remember that Nanna?)
Track objects
Anticipate objects that disappear
Make a surprised face
Wrestle, see below:

Happy Birthday Isaac Anthony. We are sure glad you came to visit us and decided to stay.