The Big Vote, Bouncing, and Other Happenings
This week was a busy week.
Tuesday was election day and Isaac was all over that. He reminded us to go and vote, especially after the disaster that was the Scott Brown special election. He warned us against being complacent in the face of a invigorated Republican party. Its not that Republicans are per se bad, there are good ones, like Ohio's Mike DeWine, but the ones in Massachusetts were nuts this time around. You combine a dash of Scott Brown enthusiasm with a heaping gob of Tea Party and you get Bill Gunn. Isaac did some digging and found that our Congressional House candidate, Bill Gunn, wants to get rid of the Department of Education and the IRS. He also said he defends the constitution, but apparently forgets that the IRS was created pursuant to the 16th Amendment and Article 1's Necessary and Proper clause. Apparently he defends only the parts of the constitution he likes. Oh well. He got CRUSHED. As did all of the crazy extremist Republicans that ran in Massachusetts. Our all-Democratic House and Senate continues, excepting, of course, for Scott "Underwear Model" Brown. In Massachusetts there are no moderates--only crazy Republicans and slightly less crazy Democrats. So there is not much choice. Either way, someone as crazy as Bill Gunn had to be defeated, so here we are voting:
Political rant over.
So the normal Saturday morning post was disrupted so that we could show Isaac in his bouncer to G-Daddy live over iChat before he saw him on YouTube. We got a device that looks like a combination of an ice claw (those big hooks used to carry ice around before refridgeration) and bungie cord from Domenic and Erica. You hook it up to a door jamb and the more the little tyke pulls down on it the more the claw part grips (there are plastic "talons" to prevent it from destroying your door jamb. At first Isaac was a little puzzled by his new verticality. But eventually he got use to it and became a bouncing champeen. Here is a video of our little bouncer:
After a while he just gets tuckered out and hangs his head with exhaustion.
Yesterday we went to Wakefield and walked around the lake. We also snagged some Harrow's Chicken Pies and a few books. Mom wanted the new Karma Wilson book (of the Bear Snores On fame). Dad got Isaac a Dinosaur Encyclopedia. I can't wait to show him the dinos. I read him some pages and he seemed excited. I can't wait to take him to a museum to see some in real life. I still remember seeing this for the first time.
This Friday Dad took off and Mom is going to work, so it will be the reverse of normal. It is officially called "Boys Day" and we will be doing only boy things. I have the 360 ready, some cigars on the way, and some massive fort plans. Be ready.
New pics and videos up.
Tuesday was election day and Isaac was all over that. He reminded us to go and vote, especially after the disaster that was the Scott Brown special election. He warned us against being complacent in the face of a invigorated Republican party. Its not that Republicans are per se bad, there are good ones, like Ohio's Mike DeWine, but the ones in Massachusetts were nuts this time around. You combine a dash of Scott Brown enthusiasm with a heaping gob of Tea Party and you get Bill Gunn. Isaac did some digging and found that our Congressional House candidate, Bill Gunn, wants to get rid of the Department of Education and the IRS. He also said he defends the constitution, but apparently forgets that the IRS was created pursuant to the 16th Amendment and Article 1's Necessary and Proper clause. Apparently he defends only the parts of the constitution he likes. Oh well. He got CRUSHED. As did all of the crazy extremist Republicans that ran in Massachusetts. Our all-Democratic House and Senate continues, excepting, of course, for Scott "Underwear Model" Brown. In Massachusetts there are no moderates--only crazy Republicans and slightly less crazy Democrats. So there is not much choice. Either way, someone as crazy as Bill Gunn had to be defeated, so here we are voting:

Political rant over.
So the normal Saturday morning post was disrupted so that we could show Isaac in his bouncer to G-Daddy live over iChat before he saw him on YouTube. We got a device that looks like a combination of an ice claw (those big hooks used to carry ice around before refridgeration) and bungie cord from Domenic and Erica. You hook it up to a door jamb and the more the little tyke pulls down on it the more the claw part grips (there are plastic "talons" to prevent it from destroying your door jamb. At first Isaac was a little puzzled by his new verticality. But eventually he got use to it and became a bouncing champeen. Here is a video of our little bouncer:
After a while he just gets tuckered out and hangs his head with exhaustion.
Yesterday we went to Wakefield and walked around the lake. We also snagged some Harrow's Chicken Pies and a few books. Mom wanted the new Karma Wilson book (of the Bear Snores On fame). Dad got Isaac a Dinosaur Encyclopedia. I can't wait to show him the dinos. I read him some pages and he seemed excited. I can't wait to take him to a museum to see some in real life. I still remember seeing this for the first time.
This Friday Dad took off and Mom is going to work, so it will be the reverse of normal. It is officially called "Boys Day" and we will be doing only boy things. I have the 360 ready, some cigars on the way, and some massive fort plans. Be ready.
New pics and videos up.