Little Things
In all of the preaching and advice giving and reading associated with being a new parent there are lot of things they forget to mention, truly great things. Often these are little moments. Here are few things I really love:
1. I love unwrapping Isaac from his swaddle in the morning and taking a huge whiff of his smell. He doesn't poop during the night, so it is pure Isaac essence, like real perfume v. diluted perfume (for those craving the right terms: eau de parfum v. eau de toilette).
2. I am enthralled by just holding my ear near his nose and listening to him breathing. There is something so vital, so life affirming about hearing his short little intakes that reminds in a definitive way that this is new life.
3. Bianca and I could probably draw his body, all of the creases and pieces, from memory, but finding his two birth marks was super cool. Both are on his thigh.
4. Baby hair. It is like the head of a dandelion, so fine it is almost a mist. I love blowing on it and watching it sway.
5. Isaac is a curious kid, so watching him watch the world yields constant reward. His little mouth makes expressions of awe and wonder at things that we just pass by. I really loved watching him look at the bubbles in Concord. But it could be anything, the ceiling fan, a flashlight, anything. Here is a sample:

6. Chubby feet are too cool. It is not like the chubby feet are just chubby on the bottom, there is even TOP OF THE FOOT chub. How cool is that?
7. The few seconds after a bath he is just so mellow and so cuddly. It is great. Here he is (though he is still curious):

All of this close inspection though, leaves Isaac a little tired. So tired of the attention, in fact, that he covers his face like a celebrity being chased by photographers. See here:
1. I love unwrapping Isaac from his swaddle in the morning and taking a huge whiff of his smell. He doesn't poop during the night, so it is pure Isaac essence, like real perfume v. diluted perfume (for those craving the right terms: eau de parfum v. eau de toilette).
2. I am enthralled by just holding my ear near his nose and listening to him breathing. There is something so vital, so life affirming about hearing his short little intakes that reminds in a definitive way that this is new life.
3. Bianca and I could probably draw his body, all of the creases and pieces, from memory, but finding his two birth marks was super cool. Both are on his thigh.
4. Baby hair. It is like the head of a dandelion, so fine it is almost a mist. I love blowing on it and watching it sway.
5. Isaac is a curious kid, so watching him watch the world yields constant reward. His little mouth makes expressions of awe and wonder at things that we just pass by. I really loved watching him look at the bubbles in Concord. But it could be anything, the ceiling fan, a flashlight, anything. Here is a sample:

6. Chubby feet are too cool. It is not like the chubby feet are just chubby on the bottom, there is even TOP OF THE FOOT chub. How cool is that?
7. The few seconds after a bath he is just so mellow and so cuddly. It is great. Here he is (though he is still curious):

All of this close inspection though, leaves Isaac a little tired. So tired of the attention, in fact, that he covers his face like a celebrity being chased by photographers. See here: