Fabulous Fall Fashions

In an effort to parrot the language of advertisers (SIZZLING SUMMER SAVINGS! SUPER SPRING SALE!) which seems to require alliteration (as opposed to assonance) we arrived at the title for this post.

It is has been downright chilly in Fitchburg, hovering around the mid to low 60s in the day and down to the 50s at night. Our pool is closer to a hockey rink than a swimming hole. It doesn't really matter all that much to me as I still am on medicine for an ear infection.

But the change in the weather has prompted us to bust out some different, non-onesy clothes (did you know that Onesy and onesies are a registered trademark of Gerber?; I am using the term in the purely genericized way because "infant bodysuit," as the Gerber lawyers would like, sounds ridiculous.)

Here is a full on big boy outfit, pants, socks, everything a 5 or 10 year old would wear (other than the diaper):


He seems pretty content in his baby bucket. We had to do some fall shopping yesterday and he wore this to the mall. He was an excellent kid getting fussy only once and for understandable reasons (remember: my kid is not irrational). At the mall, the air inside was a bit warmer than the air outside, so eventually Isaac got cranky and overheated, much as his Dad would in the same situation. Probably once a trip, Bianca will have to remind me to take my jacket off as I sit sweltering in the heated mall in November.

The mall was beebopping with people doing back to school shopping. Dad got a sports jacket (on sale) for work and Mom got some jeans and a rugby shirt. Dad also got a non-iron shirt, which brings up two points. First, why have they not always had these kinds of shirts? Second, now that the non-iron thing is everywhere and the shirts are the same price as the non-non-iron (aka iron required shirts) why would you purchase a shirt other than a non-iron one? Are their people out there who are fans of wasting time ironing their shirts? Sorry for the aside.

When we got home it was still chilly but Isaac has a way of wearing out clothes (i.e. spit up and poop). So he got a new outfit. Here it is:


Oh feety pajamas (I wonder if those too are trademarked) how we love you. Everyone seems to have a good, nostalgic memory of feety pajamas. The reality is a little less pleasant. Their feet get all tangled in the bottoms and changing a diaper is a Houdini worthy act, especially when he is squiggly pigging around. But they are friggin cute.

Finally, here is a picture of Isaac and Mom cuddling. It is an all time great:


That boy sure does love his Mama.

I will spare you the details, but suffice to say we had the true poopocalypse today, making us redefine what that word means. Five diapers were ruined, two changing pads were finished, and over a dozen wipes were required. He pooped, peed (while exposed to the air), and spit up three times. It was the diaper equivalent of a four alarm fire. Click that link, wikipedia is just awesome.
Tony Sculimbrene