He's Coming

There is little doubt about Bianca's status as a preggo. Yesterday while waiting to be seated at a restaurant, a woman saw Bianca standing and gave her husband a look. He then gave the universal male signal that he had no idea what she was talking about (it is sort of like a combination shrug and "Hey!" face). A quick jab to the ribs and a point at Bianca's belly and the guy offered to give up his seat. We had been sitting the entire day at the baby class so Bianca Rose declined.

The baby class was quite the experience. The person that led the class was a nurse who had worked in delivery for 17 years. She was great. There were 9 couples there--2 boys, 6 girls, and one unknown. There was also a guy in the class who was a total jerk. Despite the walls of the hospital being plastered with signs to the contrary, he was smoking up a storm--around pregnant ladies. He was also a loudmouth. At one point he went on this five minute tirade about how women should stop complaining because child birth is the most nature thing in the world. He was European and now I know why Europeans have a reputation for being incredibly rude. Here in America we call it psychopathy, in Europe it is called expressing yourself. Seriously, had the thin veil of civilization fallen, even for a minute, a la Lord of the Flies, the pregnant women and their husbands would have descended upon him like a wounded deer surrounded by wolves.

The class itself was great. It was a little freaky (okay A LOT freaky) to watch people give birth. I imagine if you are the kind of person that is willing to have your birth filmed by a film crew, then you are already more on the exhibitionist side of the spectrum, but some of these ladies were COMPLETELY in the buff pushing out kids. It was really weird. Then there was the birth itself which is kinda unappetizing.

I have to admit--Bianca going through that much pain and suffering is perhaps my worst nightmare. I know she will be able to handle it--she is super strong, determined, and she has always had an abundance of endurance. I also know that we will have this great kid on the other side of it, but like a lot of big, discrete moments in life, the labor sort of blots out everything in the future. It is such a life changing event, such a shift that I can't begin to figure out what it will be like on the other side. We'll get through it and Bianca will be great. It is the fear of the unknown that is so complicated to deal with.

We have to go get some baby supplies. At the class Bianca was using an exercise ball and it really helped her back. She also had a few massage items that worked well. It was a real bonding experience to see the process. Oh and after the graphic videos Bianca could ask me to do just about anything and I would.

Peanut is 8 weeks and counting.
Tony Sculimbrene