The Siren's Song

The first of the siren's songs: lightsabers, star fighters and Star Wars.

At Easter Myles and I sat down and watched the best parts of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (i.e. the starship battles and lightsaber duels). Little Anthony Manna had received a Star Wars package from Peter Cottontail and it included the movie. The movie is a bit intense, but Myles, without the aid of any adult saw the "flash swords" and became locked in a wide-eyed, mouth agape position. He loved the "rocket ships" and the "flash swords" a lot. Each time the lightsabers clashed he shook with giddy glee. I sat behind him watching him watch the movie. Even Blankie got to see. I realized based on his reaction and Anthony Manna's reaction that the love of Star Wars is innate in boys. It is seated in the brain right next to the Fight or Flight and motor neurons. Myles kept telling people who walked by that he "liked the movie though it was a little scary." I fast forwarded through all of the scary parts, any injuries or deaths, and all of the HORRENDOUS George Lucas dialog. The movie ended up being about 22 minutes long. But they were a good 22 minutes. If, one day, I...errr...Peanut happens to get a Force FX lightsaber (click on the link it is TOTALLY worth it) I think Myles would explode with excitement. And so would I. When Colby would crawl/drag himself over, Myles would let out a scream of "Colby Attack" and push him away. Even Colbeans was entranced by the flash swords. Hopefully there are no negative consequences of the viewing as Domenic told me that he has been waking up in the night. Call me if there is and I will explain how to Force Push the Boogie Man.

And then there was Opening Day. The second of the siren's songs.

I can't wait to explain the rules of baseball to Peanut and explain how great this game is. How it is better than football, basketball, hockey, soccer, racing, and everything else athletic in nature combined. I can't wait to explain to him the stats. I can't wait to explain to him all of the sayings (flyed out instead of flew out). I can't wait for him to listen to the games on the radio like I did, with a battery powered radio under his pillow to the soothing sounds of Marty Brennamen calling Ron Robinson's almost perfect game (click on that link too, Retrosheet is AWESOME). I can't wait to explain to him the thrill of catching a foul ball, especially after evading a fat guy coming out of the bathroom. Finally, I cannot wait, absolutely CANNOT WAIT to take Peanut to his first game where he is not just a baby blob.

Siren's songs await.
Tony Sculimbrene