Peanut Land

Things have been really crazy here recently. We have been to three baby classes all of which have been decent to great. We went to the coldest baseball game I have ever been to, a rainy 40 degrees. Baseball is awesome, but even its innate awesomeness could not overcome the weather, the old fashioned butt whupping that the Sox got, and worst of all for a pregnant cutie pie, the dude next to us launched his lunch all over the place. Yuck. We hung in there until around 10:30 when the temps plunged into the 30s. Then it was time to go.

Our little friend (no not the Tony Montana's little friend) has been doing a lot. It may just be me, but I swear that when he moves and I tap, he moves in response. We have a good thing going: move, tap, move; move, tap, move. I put a little pressure on where he moves and he moves again. It is pretty darn cool.

We are also getting the big rolls and movements now, like the visible ones. And that is pretty cool. Sometimes the lil' guy will be sitting funny and Bianca will lean to one side. And her belly button, much to my surprise, is still hanging on. It now only vaguely resembles a belly button, sort of like when you write a word on a rubber band and then STRETCH it. Its there but almost unrecognizable.

We had something of a crib disaster, which, when the kid isn't born yet, is far less serious. Our crib, which was a semi-custom color, was stuck in transit. You'd think, since it was coming from Europe, that it was the Icelandic ash cloud that was causing the problems, but no, it was just good old fashion ineptitude. It was in a Canadian port waiting to be unloaded. That reply strikes me as a bit of horse manure, but maybe it is true. A pregnant mommy meltdown was averted, and boy did she have a right to be sad, we have been waiting for 10 weeks, by a quick change in color. Now, it is supposedly on its way.

Emergency Edit. Everyone needs to go to Myles and Colby's site for the most HI LARIOUS picture ever. It is entitled Holy Static Electricity. Here is the site.

6 weeks and 6 days and counting.
Tony Sculimbrene