
Bianca had a crucial baby checkup today, the 28 week check up. She has begun the third trimester. At the last visit the doctor told us that the placenta might be low which could develop into a condition called placenta previa which would make the pregnancy more complicated. After that visit we began a stringent coaching regime to help Peanut pull up the placenta. After weeks of tireless work HE DID IT! The placenta is all set. They also had Bianca do a glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes, but we won't have the results for a while.

In the mean time Bianca's belly has become an orb of wonder, a perfect bowling ball belly. A few, sometimes skippy, iChat sessions with the Ohio/Kentucky Sculimbrenes/Kreilings showed them exactly what the Buddha Belly looked like. There is no dispute, no hiding it now--Bianca is pregnant.

Here is an obligatory pregnancy joke of my own making:

What do you tell the hijackers when they take your pregnant wife hostage?

Leggo my Preggo.

Hilarity ensues.

Peanut has got into a routine. Around 4-4:30 AM he starts kicking. Then he calms down until "Banana Time" which is when Bianca has her morning banana around 10 AM. Then around 5 PM he re-emerges for another tap dance/karate demonstration. The kicks and punches are much more fierce now.

The baby doctor gave us some more photos of our boy. Here they are for your perusal:

First up, Peanut's coconuts:


Yep, still a boy.

Peanut was really active during the ultrasound (perhaps because of the glucose test drink which is like 110% sugar) so his hands were in front of his face the entire time. We were able to get this picture:


He has already taken sides in the dreaded East Coast/West Coast Rap Feud. That is DEFINITELY the hand sign for West Coast. Dang it, Peanut! I liked Notorious BIG the best.

Then he gave us this shot:


I imagine that this is uterus equivalent of the flashlight under the face shot. Bwahahaha! Spooky.

Oh and then there was one final picture, this one:


There are no words to explain how cool that onesy is. Or maybe there are:

Peanut, may the Force be with you in the final trimester.

Expect a video sometime this weekend of Peanut's room. All we are waiting for is furniture and baby.
Tony Sculimbrene