Uhhh...baby names?
So we are still debating names. We think we have one, but I am not sure. Bianca is sure. Until she changes her mind. We have some criteria but even running through them will not produce a reliable name. One thing that is fun to play with is the SSA baby name site which can tell you the popularity of any name in the past 100 years so long as it was one of the 1000 most popular names.
Here are some cool stats:
Anthony was #7 most popular name for a boy in 2008.
Bianca was #208 for girls.
Monica was #317.
Vickie (not Victoria) is not in the top 1000 (Victoria is #27). Way to not be trendy Mom!
Dominic is #93 (and DomEnic is #937).
Nancy is #379.
Nicole is #106.
Olivia is #6.
Helen is #371.
Woodrow is not in the top 1000, which I found VERY surprising.
John is #20.
With all of the focus on popular names, there are are some names that we can eliminate:
Adolf (which, according to the SSA baby name site fell off dramatically after 1928 for some mysterious reason, when it was #954 and has not been listed since);
Benedict (which never got higher than the 447th most popular name all the way back in 1914 and hasn't been in the top 1000 since 1968);
Judas (which has never ranked in the top 1000 in the past 100 years, wonder why?);
Osama (yeah...that just sounds so unlikeable and still unlisted);
Atila (again with the famous despot theme and unlisted).
[Begin unrelated political rant prior to the healthcare vote this weekend]
As a side note I would like to nominate the SSA baby name site as another example of something that "big government" does well, for all of the healthcare naysayers out there. This joins the long list of things which includes:
Food Stamps which was tied in with the FDA and helps correct natural variations in farm good surpluses and shortages;
The DOJ especially since they have given up the prosecution of chronically ill chronic users;
NASA which has done a remarkably good job of getting dudes and dudettes into space when compared to private companies;
The Smithsonian Museums which are all federally fund and run;
The National Park System. Your welcome Dad!;
Interstate Highway System which has a really cool story behind it; and
The U.S. Military which, in addition to saving the free world pretty much every time, has done a lot better than private military contractors, was integrated before most of society, essentially created the middle class with the GI Bill, and is about to end the silly Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
I threw a Fox News link in there to help undo all of the lefty karma I have built up in this post.
[End rant]
Sorry for getting political for a minute, but I'd like Peanut and his friends to have good, available health care.
Here are some cool stats:
Anthony was #7 most popular name for a boy in 2008.
Bianca was #208 for girls.
Monica was #317.
Vickie (not Victoria) is not in the top 1000 (Victoria is #27). Way to not be trendy Mom!
Dominic is #93 (and DomEnic is #937).
Nancy is #379.
Nicole is #106.
Olivia is #6.
Helen is #371.
Woodrow is not in the top 1000, which I found VERY surprising.
John is #20.
With all of the focus on popular names, there are are some names that we can eliminate:
Adolf (which, according to the SSA baby name site fell off dramatically after 1928 for some mysterious reason, when it was #954 and has not been listed since);
Benedict (which never got higher than the 447th most popular name all the way back in 1914 and hasn't been in the top 1000 since 1968);
Judas (which has never ranked in the top 1000 in the past 100 years, wonder why?);
Osama (yeah...that just sounds so unlikeable and still unlisted);
Atila (again with the famous despot theme and unlisted).
[Begin unrelated political rant prior to the healthcare vote this weekend]
As a side note I would like to nominate the SSA baby name site as another example of something that "big government" does well, for all of the healthcare naysayers out there. This joins the long list of things which includes:
Food Stamps which was tied in with the FDA and helps correct natural variations in farm good surpluses and shortages;
The DOJ especially since they have given up the prosecution of chronically ill chronic users;
NASA which has done a remarkably good job of getting dudes and dudettes into space when compared to private companies;
The Smithsonian Museums which are all federally fund and run;
The National Park System. Your welcome Dad!;
Interstate Highway System which has a really cool story behind it; and
The U.S. Military which, in addition to saving the free world pretty much every time, has done a lot better than private military contractors, was integrated before most of society, essentially created the middle class with the GI Bill, and is about to end the silly Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
I threw a Fox News link in there to help undo all of the lefty karma I have built up in this post.
[End rant]
Sorry for getting political for a minute, but I'd like Peanut and his friends to have good, available health care.