Poll Results and New Poll

So the last poll was a landslide. Apparently before his trip from the future, Peanut will be a classic, sloped shoulder teenager responding to us with grunts and mumbles.

The new poll is a little more straightforward. For the more obscure majors here is some information:

Knot Theory Math is the branch of math that studies knots. Wha!!! that is a part of math? No wonder I never tie my shoes. I am TERRIBLE at math. I am not exactly sure what this is, but I know that Jacob Shapiro studied it at Dennison.

Hotel Management is a REAL major at a REAL school, even though it sounds like something from a late night infomerical. There are classes on how to prevent people from stealing the little soaps from the maid carts, how to fold the toilet paper edge into cool shapes, and how to make a bed where the sheets are so tight that people feel like their sleeping in a straight jacket. The upper division classes show you how to hire has-been lounge singers.

The rest are pretty straightforward.

Chemistry is the study of how to do matchmaking for couples, apparently.

I am not sure if there are any places where you can study sleeping, oh wait, I was wrong.

Philosophy is, apparently, the study of skin care products, which I am sure is a great surprise to Aristotle who wasted his life away working on giant tomes about ethics, logic, the nature of reality, and pretty much every other topic you can think of. He should have been mixing up some moisturizer for all of those pimple-faced Achaeans.

As for football, I am fairly certain that it is a major at The Ohio State University. After all you can major in Turfgrass Science (seriously, check the list), welding, fashion and retail studies, and circulation technology. Actually, now that I think about it, welding seems pretty cool.

I am not even going to bother with a link, we all know business, as a major, is a joke. Fun fact: there is no word for the state of being busy, i.e. business, though I think it is ironic that business and business would be spelled the same way.

Finally, we have the building stuff guys and the choo-choo guys. Fun fact: most engineers of the first sort would probably also like to be engineers of the second sort as trains are just cool.
Tony Sculimbrene