Happy 2nd Birthday, the Beeth!

Yes, it is the fate of the second child to have a belated birthday post.  No, it is not because we love him any less.  Its because we are probably at the very least twice as busy.  So as between posting and watching the Beeth get his Play Do on, I choose the latter, even if it involves him yelling "No, Daddy!" a lot as I get him the wrong Play Do implement over and over again.

But it is time to say: Happy Birthday Ethan Joseph!

I would have never guessed or imagined that two children from the same two people could be as different as Isaac and Ethan are.  Isaac is a thinker, something of a quiet kid.  Ethan will just tell you like it is.  If Isaac's off on his own it is because he needs to sort things out.  If Beethan is, its because, well, he could give shit what everyone else is doing.  Bianca and I have a saying and it is simple: "Beethie don't give a F***."  It is a clear shift in demeanor and it is uniquely Ethan.  Their faces are different.  Their eyes are different.  Their hair is different.  Their walks, even at the same age, are different.  They are just two totally unique people.

And what a wonderful person Ethan has turned into.  Even in his most "I could care less moments" Ethan is still incredibly polite.  He loves sharing, and especially gets a kick out of people appreciating what it is that he is sharing.  He always says "thank you," which comes out as "can coo."  He always wants to give something to his big brother, which comes out as "ear ooo go brudder." 

Ethan has also forced us all, myself, Bianca and Isaac, to go out of our comfort zones.  We had Play Do before, but for Ethan it is a huge deal.  We also liked the basement before, but Ethan could live down there.  And Isaac likes the sandbox, while Ethan, I think would happily join a Berber tribe and wander the Sahara.

Isaac was a gift to us.  Ethan is a gift to all three of us.  And seeing the two boys make each other laugh and smile is a gift to anyone that experiences it. 

Happy Birthday The Beeth.  We love you. 
Tony Sculimbrene