Beeth Vocabulary

Every day we get three or four new words.  In a week, Ethan can go from a phrase to a compound sentence on a given topic.  Watching and listening to all of this is pretty incredible.  It reminds me just how powerful a learning device the brain of a toddler is.  Our most powerful computer pales in comparison.  Here are some of his most popular new phrases:

"Look at me!": this one is perfectly clear with no "kid speak" at all.  Even someone that doesn't know the Beeth will understand what he is saying.  And this is an increasingly common phrase, whether it is uttered after he sneaks up on to the top of the dining room table or is splashing in the pool.

"Coo Me": This is a new one too and something Beeth uses, thus far, differently than Isaac at two.  Isaac at two would use "excuse me" basically to tell you that he is about to bowl you over.  Ethan on the other hand uses it correctly.  But, unlike Isaac, if you don't immediately move out the way, Beeth goes bananas.

"iPaad" There is a bit of a drawn out "AH" in the middle, but it is clear what the Beeth wants--he wants the iPad.  This is mostly uttered when Isaac is using the iPad or he sees it at a time he cannot have it.  

"ABCD Mouse" Isaac's addiction to ABC Mouse has caused a bit of Monkey See Monkey Do with Ethan and he has the name just a bit wrong, adding a "D" that is not normally there. 

In addition to these new phrases we get a lot of "deep voice" Ethan when he is trying to emphasize something.  "ABCD!" In a deep bellow often rings out as does a request for "TINY CHOCOLATES!"

Beeth talking is amazing.  Charting his grow is even more amazing. 
Tony Sculimbrene