No Daddy!

Ethan is starting to talk more and more.  Every day seems to bring a new word or phrase and sometimes it takes us a while to figure out exactly what he is saying.  Last night, as the day wound down, Ethan was begging and pleading with us to do something.  He kept saying the same word over and over again, but neither Bianca nor I understood what he was saying.  Then Isaac told us--he was asking to downstairs.  This means he wants to go to the basement.  Unfortunately it was bed time and we had to say no.  Ethan got so upset that Bianca had to give him a bath (I usually do both baths).  

In and amongst his tiny tears was his favorite new phrase of protest--No DADDY!  This mostly comes from him not wanting me to do something when he thinks his mommy could do it instead.  So if we are trying to get in the car and I pick him up to stuff him in the car seat we hear "No DADDY!"  And if I taking to change his diaper we get a "No DADDY!"  But recently, in the last two or three days, the phrase has moved from a rebuke of me, to a general command.  Yesterday on the ride in Ethan began to fuss as he had had enough of the car ride.  Bianca heard "All Done" and that was followed up closely by "No Daddy" even though I was a full state away.  

And so it has become not a rebuke of me, as much as a general phrase of protest--NO DADDY!  I am going to develop a complex.  
Tony Sculimbrene