Mom is a Newb

As Ethan's language skills improve, Isaac's do as well.  Instead of starting to use common words, Isaac is starting to learn slang.  In part it comes from YouTube.  He and I enjoy a wide range of channels and over time the language has seeped into his daily vocabulary.  It also comes from school.  There, Isaac is exposed to a whole new set of words from people outside our family.  

This all came to a head at dinner on Sunday when he and I were talking, in depth, about items on his Christmas list.  Bianca was following along until we got deep into some jargon.  At this point she asked what we were talking about and he responded to her "Mom you are such a newb."  There was a pause at the table as Bianca and I registered what Isaac had just said.  Then Bianca continued on, making clear she didn't get it.  Isaac then asked if she knew what a newb was.  She responded that she did and then provided a definition that was not...dictionary quality.  Isaac then revealed that newb was short for newbie and that we were newbs about somethings, while mom was a REAL newb about those same things.

So, to those uncertain of the new slang kids are using, you are a newb about using the word newb.  I can't wait for Isaac to drop some slang neither of us know.  
Tony Sculimbrene