Beethy Don't Give A...

Its pretty clear that Isaac looks like me and behaves like Bianca.  Unfortunately for us, Beethan behaves like me.  That is to say, in certain circumstances, Beethan could given two shits what people want or think.  It will be a skill that will come in handy, when and if, in the future he needs to defend people in court that society finds repellent, but as a 1 year old it is, um, vexing to say the least.

While on vacation Beethy would regularly wake up, go the sliding glass door, and point at the beach and say "Wa, wa" over and over again until someone took him to the beach, regardless of what people are doing.  "Beach, now, I don't give a f--- what else you are doing."

Then there are the times when we are playing and his birth and I have created a situation where Isaac needs his help.  Isaac loves to do this, as it, in his mind makes Beethy feel important.  Most of the time however, Beethy will look up, see his brother imperiled, and move on.  "That's your problem bro..."

Finally, there are times when we are all sitting around the dinner table eating.  Ethan has just gobbled some shred of food down, when he looks around and finds a few more clumps of dinner on his tray and he decided to go into food chucking mode.  Bianca will try to get him to stop, giving him nice encouraging warnings and telling him he is a good boy.  Then, she will turn to her food, and go down to take a bite, when BLAM food on the side of her head.  You know why this happen?  Because Beethy don't give a F---.

Yep.  My son.  
Tony Sculimbrene