Land A Ho!
We went down to Rhode Island to hang out with Bianca's family at their annual summer beach house. It is always a great experience, but this year it was a little different, both because we had Ethan with us and because there was a BOAT! It wasn't a yacht or anything, but boys+boat=awesome.
Colby, Myles, and Isaac hung out at the dock for hours while everyone else watch. They would hold the rope and let the boat float out a bit and then pull it back. They did this hundreds of times. Then, Bianca's Dad's friend Buddy arrived with an actual motor boat instead of an old row boat. This was a whole new level of adventure.
After dinner, Buddy graciously took me, Isaac, Myles, and Colby out on the water. Ethan "Swimmie" was not happy about being left behind, but there wasn't a life jacket that would fit him. As we pushed off it became clear that this would be a spectacular hour adventure. The weather was perfect, a slightly breezy 75 degrees. The sun was just starting to set, creating a fireworks show in the clouds, and Buddy knew of a great secret spot. It was a secluded private beach out on a sandbar. We pulled the little motorboat up and got out. As we made our way through the bushes, we came to a beautiful truly deserted beach. There were special cages for endangered birds and very few people. It was hard not to be struck by the scene.
A few minutes later we got back into the boat and made our way back to the beach house. As we approached the dock, a group had assembled to welcome us back when Myles shouted "Land A Ho!" Everyone died laughing, prompting all three boys (and me) to shout it again and again. When they get older and find that Eddie Murphy video, they will know why it was so funny. Until then, we can all enjoy them shouting it....Land a Ho!