Tooth Tester

Isaac is the second youngest kid in his class and so there a few things that are happening that he feels a bit behind, like losing a tooth.  It doesn't help that two of his friends are genetic wonders are started losing teeth at 4.

Nonetheless Isaac is full of hope and so even now, when no teeth are obviously loose, he is testing them.  On a daily basis we get updates about his teeth, like they are some new European country falling into a debt crisis:  "Its happening...", "I think this one is about to go....", "We are really close..."

When he went to the dentist he asked and the dentist told him that he would lose a tooth before his sixth birthday and that one was loose.  I suppose loose is like the word "close" and it is a relative measurement.  Am I close to the Sun?  It depends.  Compared to my backyard, definitely not; compared to the Andromeda Nebula?  Yes, for sure.  And so Isaac has "loose" teeth.  And if he happens to retain all his chompers until his 6th birthday, I pray for his dentist.  Isaac's cross examination skills now match his fiery temper.

Isaac the tooth tester.

Of course we will update you if anything becomes "actually" loose.

Tony Sculimbrene