
Like bear cubs rolling out from the winter, we have been outside a lot the last two weekends, even when the non-hearty New Englanders were here (post coming...).  The weather this winter was the exact opposite of last year and so, even though this time 12 months ago we were still a month and half away from a snow free front yard, this past weekend we got the table out on the patio and did a bunch of spring things.  

Ethan, like the proverbial bear cub, has enjoyed being outside.  While Isaac and Mom cleaned up outside and Dad chopped some wood, Ethan stood at a planter for about thirty minutes content with taking out potting soil and tossing it on the ground.  When that played out he sat on the push trike for a while, looking like the cutest biker ever.  

All sorts of other signs of spring are upon us too.  Though we have no buds on the leaves yet, there are tufts of green grass here and there and the sap is flowing.  A walk down by the river revealed a sticky glistening mess where the beavers were chewing.  But the ultimate sign of spring happened on Sunday--all four of us packed into the Outback and drove to Rota Springs, our favorite ice cream spot.

Isaac paid, having been given the task and the funds by P-Pa.  He stood in a very long line with Bianca (I had Beethan) and when all the orders were returned, he handed them a $20.  This in itself is a big deal as Isaac loves big bills and the twenty is the jewel of his collection thus far.  But he surrendered it willingly and was even pleased when he got back nine ones.  

Ethan had fun cruising around a picnic table and rolling around in the grass with his brother (it looked like he was being tortured to us, but Ethan came up smiling).  Ethan also enjoyed, and I mean ENJOYED, his first bites of ice cream.  He can be an insistent little booger, but no more so than when he is waiting for food.  Only boobie milk elicits a stronger demand reaction.

With two sticky-faced boys we drove home happy, bellies full of delicious ice cream, and the sun shining on us as we rode. 

Tony Sculimbrene