Well, Ethan has already acquired three or four nicknames. There was Mr. Grimace, his hospital nickname, and Mr. Poo Poos, which I think all babies have as a nickname, and Ethan Beethan, which I think will probably stick around until he graduates from college. But right now, the name that comes to mind quickest is "The Gruntiest Grunter."
If you couldn't turn on the video on the monitor and you didn't know we had a baby you might be tempted to think that Monica Seles has come out of retirement to play tennis in our upstairs. Ethan grunts all of the time. These aren't cute little "ehhh" grunts. These are grunts that 300 pound bikers let out when they ate too much chili. They rattle the speaker on the monitor. So in honor of that, I composed Ethan's first song:
I am the gruntiest grunter that ever grunted.
I am the cutest kid you ever wanted.
I stalk boobie milk like its hunted.
I am the cutest kid you ever wanted.
My groans make you think the house is haunted.
I am the cutest kid you ever wanted.
It is a work in progress. More verses to be added as he grunts some more. Oh and just in case you think, this is his only noise...tonight he ripped a fart so loud Bianca thought it came from me. It was full fledged adult fart. Ethan was asleep in his bucket and Bianca was in the kitchen. He ripped one and she came over to the Sun Room and asked me if I had made the noise. I told her it wasn't me and Isaac would have LOVED it to have been him, but he too denied it. That leaves only Ethan Beethan, aka the Gruntiest Grunter. And he isn't even a month old yet.
If you couldn't turn on the video on the monitor and you didn't know we had a baby you might be tempted to think that Monica Seles has come out of retirement to play tennis in our upstairs. Ethan grunts all of the time. These aren't cute little "ehhh" grunts. These are grunts that 300 pound bikers let out when they ate too much chili. They rattle the speaker on the monitor. So in honor of that, I composed Ethan's first song:
I am the gruntiest grunter that ever grunted.
I am the cutest kid you ever wanted.
I stalk boobie milk like its hunted.
I am the cutest kid you ever wanted.
My groans make you think the house is haunted.
I am the cutest kid you ever wanted.
It is a work in progress. More verses to be added as he grunts some more. Oh and just in case you think, this is his only noise...tonight he ripped a fart so loud Bianca thought it came from me. It was full fledged adult fart. Ethan was asleep in his bucket and Bianca was in the kitchen. He ripped one and she came over to the Sun Room and asked me if I had made the noise. I told her it wasn't me and Isaac would have LOVED it to have been him, but he too denied it. That leaves only Ethan Beethan, aka the Gruntiest Grunter. And he isn't even a month old yet.